NanoITS is a classifier for long-read Oxford Nanopore data of the eukaryotic 18S/SSU-ITS1-ITS2 operon.

When giving the tool some nanopore long-read data it will:

Below you can find the full workflow:

Quick start

To run NanoITs, install conda and use it to installed snakemake as follows:

mamba create --name snakemake -c conda-forge -c bioconda snakemake=7.32.4 python=3.11.6

Afterwards, you can clone the directory from github via:

git clone

Provide your sample names and path to the samples as a comma-separated file. To view an example have a look at example_files/mapping.csv. The sample names should be unique and consist of letters, numbers and - only. The barcode column can be left empty as it is not yet implemented. The path should contain the path to your demultiplexed, compressed fastq file(s).

Adjust config/config.yaml to configure the location of your mapping file as well as specify the parameters used by NanoITs.

NanoITs can then be run with (adjust the cores based on your system):

#perform a dry-run to ensure everything is working correctly
snakemake --use-conda --cores <nr_cores> \
  -s <path_to_NanoITS_install>/workflow/Snakefile \
  --configfile config/config.yaml \
  --conda-prefix <path_to_NanoITS_install>/workflow/.snakemake/conda  \

#run NanoITS
snakemake --use-conda --cores <nr_cores> \
  -s <path_to_NanoITS_install>/workflow/Snakefile \
  --configfile config/config.yaml \
  --conda-prefix <path_to_NanoITS_install>/workflow/.snakemake/conda  \
  --rerun-incomplete --nolock